Category Archives: Galileo Space Segment

Galileo Space Segment

Sixth Galileo satellite in corrected orbit

The sixth Galileo satellite has now entered its corrected target orbit, which will allow detailed testing to assess the performance of its navigation payload.

Launched with the fifth Galileo last August, its initial elongated orbit saw it travelling as high as 25900 km above Earth and down to a low point of 13713 km, confusing the Earth sensor used to point its navigation antennas at the ground. Read more…

Galileo Sat-5 recovered and transmitting Navigation signals

Europe’s fifth Galileo satellite, one of two delivered into a wrong orbit by VS09 Soyuz-Fregat launcher in August, has transmitted its first navigation signal in space on Saturday 29 November 2014. It has reached its new target orbit and its navigation payload has been successfully switched on.

A detailed test campaign is under way now the satellite has reached a more suitable orbit for navigation purposes. Read more…

First Galileo FOC Satellite moving to new orbit

The fifth Galileo navigation satellite, one of the two left in an incorrect orbit when being launched this summer, has begun maneuvering into a higher orbit where the satellite’s navigation payload and all other systems will be checked out.

The Galileo FOC-1 and 2 satellites launched together on a Soyuz rocket on August 22, instead of reaching a circular orbit at 23,222 Kilometers inclined 55.04 degrees, were released into an anomalous orbit of 13,710 by 25,900 Kilometers with a lower inclination of 49.69 degrees. Read more…

Galileo FOC FM1 and FM2 handed over

A pair of fully functioning Galileo navigation satellites was recently delivered to its operators, as preparations get underway for the next round of launches.

On 27–28 September, the two satellites launched on 22 August were handed over from ESA’s Space Operations Centre, ESOC, in Darmstadt, Germany, to the Galileo Control Centre, Oberpfaffenhofen, which will care for them pending a final decision on their use. Read more…

Independent Inquiry Board Conclusions on 22-Aug. FOC Galileo launch

The Independent Inquiry Board formed to analyze the causes of the anomaly occurring during the orbital injection of satellites in the Galileo constellation by a Soyuz rocket launched from the Guiana Space Center on August 22 announced its definitive conclusions on Tuesday, October 7, 2014 following a meeting at Arianespace headquarters in Evry, near Paris. Read more…